DBMS previous year question paper UTU - 2022
Database management system (previous year question paper UTU - 2022)
Time: 3 Hours
Even Semester Examination, 2021-22
Course Name: B.TECH
Branch: CS Semester: IV
Subject: Database Management Systems
Max Marks: 100 Number of Printed pages: 1
Note: - Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks
Q1. Attempt any four parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) Example DBMS with its architecture
(b) Define DDL and DML in context with DBMS
(c) Explain Data independence with its types.
(d) What are the different types of integrity constraints?
(e) Define E/R Model with following
i. Entities and Relationships
ii. Attributes and different types of attributes
Q 2. Attempt any four parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) Discuss Relational Algebra with suitable example.
(b) Explain Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus
(c) Define Normalization and its types with relevant examples
(d) What do you understand by join statement? Explain
(e) Explain the Query Processing Techniques.
Q 3. Attempt any two parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) List various locking techniques for concurrency control.
(b) What is transaction? Explain ACID Properties with diagram.
(c) Explain concurrency control based on time-stamp ordering.
Q 4. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20)
(a) Discuss SQL Injection Vulnerabilities detection methods by mentioning identification tools.
(b) Compare and contrast between access controls models in DBMS with examples.
(c) Discuss the detection method of Intrusion Detection System in DBMS and Compare the IDS with firewall.
Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20)
(a) Explain Object Oriented and Object Relational Database with examples.
(b) What are distributed database? Explain with its importance.
(c) Illustrate data warehousing and data mining in DBMS.