Q 1. Attempt nny four parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) On the basis of energy band gap theory.cxplain the formantion of valance band in solid silicon . Classify solids on the basis of energy band theory.
(b) Exlain the formation of extrinsic semiconducror.Compare N type and P type SC.
(cl Expbin 1hc fonnation of depletion region in a PN junction diode.
(d) E'\'J'lain the V-1 characteris1ics of p-n junct ion Diode. Explain the effect of temperature on V-1 charactcrisrics of :i diode.
(c) Vrite sho11nore on: i) Zener bre:ikdown i i) Avalanche breakdu wu
Q 2. Attempt any four parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) What are Rectifiers? Explain rhc construction and operation of a full wave bridge rect ifier.
(b) Derh•c rhc efficiency of half wave and full wave rectifier and proof that the ctlicicney of full wave rectifier is r wice as rhat ofa half wavc rcc1ificr.
(c) \\'hat are ripples? Explain how a shunt capaciti\'e filler is u lilized to remove the ripples presen t in rhe output of a rectifier.
(d) E:..plain po it ivc and negati\'C clippers wirh proper circuit and input-output waveform .
(c) For the cirtuit hown. find the maximum and minimu m va lues of Zener diode current.
Q 3. Attempt any two parts of the following (10 x 2 = 20)
(:1) Expl.lin \\ :rntl conslruclion of :I rur with proper diagram. Expl:1i 11 :iclivc. cu t olT:ind salnrnti,,n r •g.i,rn of operation.
(b) 1:,pl:ti n wltagc di,•idcr hi:is of a nJT :rnd dciivc the CXpl'l:ssion for le. Vn :111d st:1hili1y foctl)I'
(c) E;1.plai11 co111111on b:isc config11r:1tion of :i llJT. Draw ifp :rnd o/p ch:irnctcristics of t he snmc.
Q4. Attempt any t:\vo parts orthe following: (10 x 2 = 20)
(n) Expl:lin the nnd construction of 11-cha11ncl JFET with proper drain nnd t ransfer charnctcristics.
(b) fapl:lin the \\ Orking :ind conslnrction of n-channel E-MOSFET "ith proper dr:1in :ind trnnsfc:r ch:1ractcristics.
(c) faplain fixed-bias and self-bias circu its of ff ET.
Q5. Attempt-any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20)
(::t ) Explain the following parameters for an Op-Amp:
1. Input Offset Voh:ige
11. Inpu t OITo;ct Current
iii. PSRR
iv. CMRR
v. Slew Rate
(b) Design integrator an, difTcrcmintor using Op-Amp 1111d derived the cxpressio11 for output voltage for both.
(c) Explain in closed loop inverting amplifier configuration. Derive the expression for close loop Gain.