ADVANCE OPERATING SYSTEM QUESTION PAPER (2021-22) | Uttarakhand Technical University
Roll No.
Time: 3 Hours
Even Semester Examination, 2021-22
Course Name: B.TECH
Branch: Computer Science & Engineering/IT Semester: VIII
Subject: Advance Operating System
Max Marks: 100
Number of Printed pages: 2
Note:- Attempt all questions: All Questions carry equal marks
Q1. Attempt any four parts of the following:(5 x 4 =20)
(a) Define Process & Threads also explain various types of Threads.
Ans -> Click here
(b) Define kernel execution, execution context & thread context.
(c) Give overview of Unix OS. Define Virtualization.
(d) Describe MMU/Memory Transaction Explain Process State Diagram.
(e) Define Segmentation. What are its advantages and disadvantages?
Q2. Attempt any four parts of the following (5 x 4 = 20)
(a) Explain the anatomy of system call & x86 Mechanism for system call implementation.
(b) Describe Dynamic tracing Unix of OS & explain linking & loading of Linux OS..
(c) What is K-probe explain memory hierarchy optimization.
(d) Define Primitive & non primitive kernel and differentiate between them.
(e) Explain ELF (Executable Linkable Format).
Q3. Attempt any two parts of the following:(10 x 2=20)
(a) Describe File System Management Explain its Attributes & Operation.
(b) Explain Spinlock Implementation & Differentiate btw Spinlock & Semaphores
(c) Explain Kmen & Vmen Kernel memory Allocators in Advance Operating System.
Q4. Attempt any two parts of the following:(10 x 2=20)
(a) Give Brief Overview of ZFS.
(b) Define Open Solaris & Unix System V with its Architecture.
(c) Explain Service startup dependencies
Q5. Attempt any two parts of the following: (10 x 2 = 20)
(a) How File Operations allow 10 buffering & Swapping are Converged to using the same Mechanism.
(b) Define Solaris OS & Windows OS with Architecture.
(c) Write short Note on
Process table traversal
Prop internals